Associate Professor,Department of Early Childhood Education,T/F .: + 30 2310995017, e-mail: tsokalid@nured.auth.gr,
School of Education, Department of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124, THESSALONIKI - GREECE

Publications & Papers

Ι. Βooks & Editorial work

  • Clyne, M., C. Jenkins, I. Chen, R. Tsokalidou and T. Wallner. (1995a), Developing second language from primary school.  Canberra: NLLIA.
  • Pauwels, A., Tsokalidou, R., & L.L. Wong (1995b) Research Methods in Applied Linguistics.  Melbourne: Distance Education Centre, Monash University.
  • Tsokalidou, R. (2004) My first book on bilingualism (Greek-English).  Thessaloniki: Barbounakis.
  • Tsokalidou,R. (2012) My first book on bilingualism: between the Greek and Arab worlds. Thessaloniki: Polydromo/Zygos. (in Greek, English and Arabic)
  • Tsokalidou, R. (2009-present) Editor of Polydromo, a multilingual periodical on bilingualism and multiculturalism in education and society (www.polydromo.gr)

    ΙΙ.Papers in reviewed Journals

  • Clyne, M, Jenkins, C., Chen, I., Rogerson, M. & R. Tsokalidou, (1992a) Models and Sociolinguistic Factors in Some Victorian Second Language Programs: A Progress Report, Language and Language Education, Working Papers of the National Languages & Literacy Institute of Australia, 2,1, pp.60-77.
  • Tsokalidou, R. (1992β) Language choice and use amongst second generation Greek-Australians, Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8, Greek Applied Linguistics Association, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 144-169.
  • Tsokalidou, R. (1993) Cracking the code of women and (gentle)men, Working Papers in Linguistics, Melbourne University , pp.135-148. 
  • Tsokalidou, R. (1994) Women on the cusp- a case of bilingual women.  Working Papers on Language, Gender and Sexism, AILA Commission on Language and Gender, pp. 46-62.
  • Tsokalidou, R. (2005α) Raising bilingual awareness in Greek primary schools.  International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 8, 1, 48-61.
    Gkantartzi, A.and Tsokalidou, R. (2010). "She is a very good child but she doesn't speak": The invisibility of children’s bilingualism and teacher ideology. Journal of Pragmatics 45, 588-601.

    ΙΙΙ. Contributions in Proceedings (reviewed)

  • Tsokalidou, R. (2005) Researching bilingualism in Greece. Στο Mattheoudakis, M. & A. Psaltou-Joycey (eds) Selected Papers on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Proceedings 16th Symposium of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, 314-323.
  • Koutsogiannis, D. & R. Tsokalidou (υπό έκδοση) Designing and implementing a research project on bilingualism and language education: first findings and remarks Supporting ‘diversity within unity’ at secondary education level: some case studies from bilingual children in Greek secondary schools, Ρόδος 2007
    Gkaintartzi, A. & R. Tsokalidou (υπό έκδοση) On the way to bilingual and intercultural consciousness-raising: Findings from a research project in Greek primary schools.  Proceedings from the 42nd Linguistics Colloquium “Language Diversity and Language Learning: New Paths to Literacy”.  Frankfurt, New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group.

    ΙV. Contributions in Proceedings

    Tsokalidou, R. (1989a) A General Survey of English and Modern Greek Compounds. Proceedingsofthe 2nd Symposium on English and Greek: Description and/or Comparison of the two languages, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 165-179.
  • Tsokalidou, R. (1989b) Linguistic Misogyny-A Language Universal? Observations, Questions and Ideas. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on the Description and/or Comparison of English and Greek,  Thessaloniki, Greece, pp.363-381.
  • Tsokalidou, R. (1997a) Π.O.: The voice of bilingual reality.  Proceedings 10th Symposium of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, April 1996, pp. 261-276.
    Tsokalidou, R. (2004) Greek-speaking enclaves in Lebanon and Syria. In Anxo M. Lorenzo Suarez, Fernado Ramallo & Xoan Paulo Rodriguez-Yanez (eds.) Bilingual socialization and Bilingual language acquisition. Proceedings from the Second International Symposium on Bilingualism. University of Vigo (Vigo, Galicia-Spain, October 23-26, 2002). Vigo: Servizo de Publicacions da Universidade de Vigo, pp. 1245-1255.

    V. Contributions in Collective Volumes

  • Tsokalidou, R. (2001b) Women on the cusp-a case of bilingual women.  In Georgakopoulou, A. & M. Spanaki (eds) A Reader in Greek Sociolinguistics-Studies in Modern Greek Language, Culture and Communication.  Oxford: Peter Lang.