Associate Professor,Department of Early Childhood Education,T/F .: + 30 2310995017, e-mail: tsokalid@nured.auth.gr,
School of Education, Department of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124, THESSALONIKI - GREECE

Research experience


Researcher in the Centre for Language and Society at Monash University, Australia (of the National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia)


Volunteer assistant radio programme producer (Australian Radio and Television representing Monash foreign graduate students)

Co-editor of the Language and Gender Newsletter at Monash University


Research Associate at the Department of Lexicography of the Greek Language Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Supervisor of the projects: Greek-speaking enclaves, Greek-English Dictionary, etc.  I carried out research on site in Lebanon and Syria, studying the Greek-speaking enclaves of the region. 


Headed and participated in many research projects, carrying out sociolinguistic research and investigating issues of ethnic and linguistic variation and bilingualism in education, at the Centre for the Greek Language and the University of Thessaly.


Researcher at the programme “Migrant and return migrant  students in the Greek educational system”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Member of the research team for the programme “Detecting the needs for supporting migrant students’ mother tongues within the Greek educational system” , Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Co-coordinator and a member of the scientific team of the project “Dialogos” undertaken by the Group “Polydromo” with the aim to produce informative material on children’s educational matters for parents who speak Greek, Albanian, Russian, English and Arabic (www.polydromo.gr/dialogos) (Funded by the Foundation “Stavros Niarhos”)


Coordinator  of the Greek-Arab project “Through children’s eyes” undertaken by the group “Polydromo” with the aim to promote the Arabic language and culture in Greek schools.


Participant in ‘The Linguistic School Project in Multicultural Educational Communities’ (countries involved: U.K., France, Spain and Greece), a European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) Project titled ‘Learning Through Languages: promoting inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural education’