Scientific Papers (Year(s): 1991)


  1. CHRISTARAS, B., (1991): Methode d’ evaluation de l’ alteration en changement du comportement mecanique des granites, en Grece du Nord.-Bull. IAEG., Paris, vol. 43, pp. 21-26
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  2. CHRISTARAS, B., & KILIAS, A., (1991): Les bauxite de karst sont-elles un indice de l’ evolution geotectonique de l’ Europe orientale? Intern. Symp. Thrust Tect. Alb., Bull. Alb. Geol. Soc., Tirana, (1991), vol. X(XXVII)I. pp. 241-254
  3. CHRISTARAS, B. (1991): Durability of building stones and weathering of the antiquities in Creta/Greece. bull. IAEG, Paris, v. 44, PP. 17-25
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  4. CHRISTARAS, B. (1991). Casagrande and Fall Cone Penetrometer methods for liquid limit determination. Application on marls from Creta/Greece. Journ. Eng. Geology, ELSEVIER, Amsterdam , VOL. 31, PP. 131-142
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  5. CHRISTARAS, B. (1991): Physical Properties in the “Initial Reports of Leg 137. Site 504B, Costa Rica Rift”. proceed. O.D.P., Texas A. & M. Univers., College Station, vol. 137, pp. a)10-12, b) 29-35
  6. CHRISTARAS B: Data report: mechanical behavior of basalt from Costa Rica Rift, Hole 504B, Leg 137. Proc. Ocean Drilling Program (scientific results), vol 137/140, p347-351
  7. CHRISTARAS, B. (1991): Old stone bridges in Epirus/Greece Proceed. of 2nd Int. Congr. Conserv. Monum. Medit. Basin., Geneve pp. 543-462
  8. MORAITI, E & CHRISTARAS, B. (1991): Weathering of marly limestones used in the antiquities of Crete, Greece. Stratigraphy and mechanical consideration. 2nd. Int. Symp. Conserv. Monum. Medit. Basin, pp. 483-492