"Gypsies at Sofades" project photos

by K. Velesiotou & M. Papanouskas*


sofades1.jpg (39120 bytes) sofades2.jpg (40436 bytes) sofades9.jpg (52058 bytes) sofades4.jpg (37321 bytes)
sofades3.jpg (41873 bytes) sofades10.jpg (62941 bytes) sofades11.jpg (55916 bytes) sofades5.jpg (42527 bytes)
sofades12.jpg (72607 bytes) sofades6.jpg (33707 bytes) sofades14.jpg (56222 bytes) sofades8.jpg (44498 bytes)
sofades13.jpg (47706 bytes) sofades7.jpg (48772 bytes) sofades15.jpg (49185 bytes) sofades16.jpg (33816 bytes)

* These photos are copyright free to use, as long as each photo is republished in its original form and the author name, as well as the webpage in which they were published are clearly mentioned.

Χουρδά Roma - Μικρά Τσιγγανόπουλα

Μαθητική εφημερίδα του 4ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου Τσιγγανοπαίδων Σοφάδων - Καρδίτσας

xurda-roma.jpg (135181 bytes)
