Dimitrios Chouvardas
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cvBrief resume

Dr Dimitrios Chouvardas (email =, Tel.= +302310992343) was born in Thessaloniki in 1973. In 1997 he finished his undergraduate studies from the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.) and in 2001 he did the first part of his graduate studies (M.Sc.) on the subject of Landscape Ecology and Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.). In 2007 he was nominated a Ph.D. graduate from the School of Forestry and Natural Environment of A.U.Th. His thesis title was “Estimation of diachronic effects of pastoral systems and land uses in landscapes with the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)”. He is currently a member (from 17/6/2014) of the Laboratory Educational Staff of the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment. He has published scientific papers in establish magazines and international conferences. His academic interests are: * Landscape ecology and management, Landscape evaluation * Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing * Rangeland inventory and management * Effect of grazing in diachronic change of pastoral landscapes * Restoration practices and desertification. He participated in several European and National research projects. He is a member of the Geotechnical Chamber of Greece, the Hellenic Range and Pasture Society, the Hellenic Agroforestry Network and the Hellenic Forestry Society.


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