Linguistic and Ecclesiastical Reforms in Bulgaria in the 14th Century. The Contribution of the Patriarch of Bulgaria Euthymius



Euthymius (1375-1394) was the last Patriarch of the Bulgarian Church before the conquest of the Kingdom of Tărnovo by the Ottomans (1393). He belonged to the circle of hesychasts, who dominated the intellectual and cultural life of the Orthodox people of the Balkan Peninsula in the 14th century. Çe was also associated with the most important representatives of hesychasm. Euthymius travelled to Constantinople and Mount Athos during his youth, where he learned Greek perfectly and he studied in their rich libraries. The major reform effort to renew the cultural and intellectual life of Bulgaria, which spread quickly throughout the rest of the Slavic world, was the result of his studies in the Greek cultural centres.

Purpose of this study is to present the personality and work of Euthymius of Tărnovo based on the findings of the recent scientific research.

