welcome to my personal website

I completed my PhD Thesis in 2009 on cohesive sediment transport modelling and have since participated in several research projects. My main research interests lie in the field of modelling sediment transport in coastal/shelf areas, sediment-hydro dynamics’ interactions and coastal circulation. Here you can find information on my academic studies, publications and research activities.

Curriculum Vitae

academic studies and experience


selected research


journals and collective volumes

Contact information

Katerina Kombiadou
  1. Laboratory of Maritime Engineering and Maritime Works, Department of Civil Engineering
    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
    email: kobiadou{at}civil.auth.gr
  2. Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (CIMA)
    University of Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, Edf. 7, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal
    email: akompiadou{at}ualg.pt

Check out the DEVISE project

Latest publications

a quick glance on recently published research
The birth of backbarrier marshes in Culatra Island (Ria Formosa, South Portugal)

The birth of backbarrier marshes in Culatra Island (Ria Formosa, South Portugal)

The work focuses on backbarrier marsh genesis and early evolution in Culatra, aiming to: a) identify present-day marsh zonation and recent sedimentation; b) assess long-term backbarrier marsh dynamics (horizontal and vertical growth and sediment composition); and c) identify the main controls, phases and related timescales.
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Exploring Controls on Coastal Dune Growth Through a Simplified Model

Exploring Controls on Coastal Dune Growth Through a Simplified Model

We employ an updated and validated version of Duna, a simplified 1D morphodynamic model, to assess the impacts of dune shape (height and slope), beach width, vegetation cover and wind angles to wind flow and topographic changes on the dune and to extract draw generalized growth patterns.
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Ecogeomorphic response of a coastal dune in southern Portugal regulated by extrinsic factors

Ecogeomorphic response of a coastal dune in southern Portugal regulated by extrinsic factors

We explore the longshore variability of the morphological features, plant community distribution and accumulation patterns of a dune segment. Integrated results from different timescales document strong differences, with two distinct dune configurations or ecogeomorphic states identified in close proximity.
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Simulating Destructive and Constructive Morphodynamic Processes in Steep Beaches

Simulating Destructive and Constructive Morphodynamic Processes in Steep Beaches

Short-term beach morphodynamics are typically modelled solely through storm-induced erosion, disregarding post-storm recovery, even though the full cycle of beach profile response is critical for even longer temporal scales. We simulate morphodynamic changes from the incidence and post-storm recovery of Faro Beach from the Emma storm.
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Barrier island resilience assessment: Applying the ecological principles to geomorphological data

Barrier island resilience assessment: Applying the ecological principles to geomorphological data

Novel methodology, based on identifying barrier states and related threshold crossings and on reconstructing the resilience trajectories of barrier islands, thus expressing the spatiotemporal changes in resilience topography (resilience dimensions and barrier stable states), in response to external conditions and internal barrier organisation
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Bridging the gap between resilience and geomorphology of complex coastal systems

Bridging the gap between resilience and geomorphology of complex coastal systems

Resilience has been used over a wide range of scientific fields and often ambiguously, causing confusion and misconceptions, even within the same scientific discipline. Starting by providing clarifications and definitions of the main terminology and key principles of ecological resilience theory, we pass on to expressing them through geomorphic dimensions of barrier islands.
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