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FP6 TOK-IAP (MTKI 029640-2005) “Biomarker Discovery” (2006-2008)

FP7 ERG 202132 “Advanced Bioanalytical Technologies for systems biology Studies” (2008-2011)

Metabonomic/Metabolomic Research

This is the major research line of the group.

Along the realisation of a Transfer of Knowledge Industry Academia Partnership with AstraZeneca UK (Department of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics Alderley Park) and a European Reintegration Grant (Dr. H. Gika) the core of the bioanalysis group research is focused on global metabolite profiling using hyphenated techniques (LC-MS, GC-MS) and NMR.

We now run EmryoMetabolomics (GSRT, 2012-2015) and two Irakleitos grants (GSRT,  2010-2013) on arthritis and drug toxicity assessment.

The major scope of our research lays on the discovery of biomarkers of disease onset (diagnosis) and progression (prognostic markers), drug efficacy and drug toxicity.
