List of publications

S. Ichtiaroglou and E. Meletlidou: 1990, "On monoparametric families of orbits sufficient for integrability of planar potentials with linear and quadratic invariants", J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 23, 3673-3679.

S. Ichtiaroglou, G.Voyatzis and E. Meletlidou: 1991, "Conditions for the existence of periodic solutions to integrable two-dimensional Hamiltonian systems", Physical Review 43A, 7043-7045.

E. Meletlidou and S. Ichtiaroglou: 1994, "A non-integrability test for perturbed Hamiltonian systems of two degrees of freedom", in J.Seimenis (ed.) "Hamiltonian Mechanics: Integrability and chaotic behavior ", NATO ASI Series Vol.331, Plenum, NY, pp. 221-228.

E. Meletlidou and S. Ichtiaroglou: 1994, "A criterion for non-integrability based on Poincarι's theorem", Physica D 71, 261-268.

E. Meletlidou and S. Ichtiaroglou: 1994, "On the non-existence of an analytic integral of motion in periodically perturbed one degree of freedom Hamiltonians", Physics Letters A 188, 157-163.

E. Meletlidou and S. Ichtiaroglou: 1994, "On the number of isolating integrals in perturbed Hamiltonian systems with n degrees of freedom", J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 27, 3919-3926.

E. Meletlidou: 1995, "Non-integrability criteria in Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems", Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Thessaloniki, pp. 1-135.

S. Ichtiaroglou and E. Meletlidou: 1996, "Psi-series and obstructions to integrability of periodically perturbed one degree of freedom Hamiltonians", Physics Letters A 224, 68-76. (PS-file)

U.Locatelli & E.Meletlidou: 1998, "Convergence of Birkhoff normal form for essentially isochronous systems", Meccanica 33, 195-211.

G.Bozis & E.Meletlidou: 1998, "Nonintegrability detected from geometrically similar orbits", Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 68, 335-346.

S. Ichtiaroglou and E. Meletlidou: 1998, "The  non-integrability of perturbed Hamiltonians of n degrees of freedom and the continuation of periodic orbits" in C.Simo (ed.) "Hamiltonian systems with three or more degrees of freedom", Plenum, NY, pp. 429-433. (PS-file)  

K. Wodnar, S. Ichtiaroglou and E. Meletlidou: 1999, "Non-integrability and continuation of fixed points in 2n-dimensional perturbed twist maps", Physica D128, 70-86. (PS-file)

E. Meletlidou and S. Ichtiaroglou: 1999, "Isolated periodic orbits and stability in separable potentials", Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr. 71, 289-300. (PS-file)

K. Wodnar, M. Hampejs, E. Meletlidou and S. Ichtiaroglou: 1999, "The symplectic eigenvalue problem, Lyapunov numbers and related questions", in R.Dvorak et al. (eds.) "Modern Astrometery and Astrodynamics ", Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna, pp. 233-278.  (PS-file)

S. Ichtiaroglou, E. Meletlidou and K. Wodnar: 2000, "A method for evaluating the stability of fixed points in perturbed symplectic maps", Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 11, 245-250.  (PS-file) 

E.Meletlidou: 2000, "A nonintegrability test for perturbed separable planar Hamiltonians", Phys. Lett. A, 270, 47-54.

Ε.Meletlidou: 2000, "The Mel’nikov subharmonic function and the non-existence of analytic integrals in non-autonomous systems", Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr.78, 161-166.

S. Ichtiaroglou and E. Meletlidou: 2000,"What a Cantorus is?", pp. 23, "Order and Chaos VI", T. Bountis (ed.), Athens, (in Greek). (Zipped Word doc ~1.5 MB)

E. Meletlidou, G. Voyatzis and S. Ichtiaroglou: 2001, "Obstructions to the continuation of analytic integrals of Hamiltonian systems under non-Hamiltonian perturbations" Phys. Lett. A 286, 55-60. 

Ε.Meletlidou: 2001, "The Mel’nikov subharmonic function and the non-existence of analytic integrals in non-autonomous systems" in R.Dvorak and J.Henrard (eds.) “New Developments in the Dynamics of Planetary Systems”, Kluwer Academic Publishers pp. 161-166.

E. Meletlidou, S. Ichtiaroglou and F.J. Winterberg: 2001, "Non-integrability of Hill's lunar problem", Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr. 80 , 145-156. (PS-file)

G. Voyatzis, E. Meletlidou and S. Ichtiaroglou: 2002, "Large-scale chaos for arbitrarily small perturbations in nontwist Hamiltonian systems", Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 14, 1179-1191.

E.Meletlidou, J.Pouget, G.Maugin and E.Aifantis: 2002, "The relation between energy and pseudomomentum in the elastic-crystal Boussinesq equation", J. Mech. Behaviour of Materials, 13, 107-115.

F.J.Winterberg and E.Meletlidou: 2004, "Non-continuation of integrals of the rotating two-body problem in Hill's lunar problem", Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr. 88, 37-49.

E.Meletlidou, J.Pouget, G.Maugin and E.Aifantis: 2004, "Invariant relations in a Boussinesq type equation" Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 22, 613-62

E. Meletlidou, G. Stagika and S. Ichtiaroglou: 2005, "Nonintegrability and structure of the resonance zones in a class of galactic potentials", Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr. 91, 323-335. (PDF-file)

D. Voyatzi and E. Meletlidou: 2005, "A nonintegrability criterion for adiabatic systems", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (to appear)

E. Meletlidou and G. Stagika: 2005, "On the continuation of degenerate periodic orbits in Hamiltonian systems", Regular and Chaotic Dynamics (to appear)

E. Meletlidou and P.G.L. Leach: 2005, "Singularity analysis in nonlinear biomathematical models", (submitted)