Measurement of Vapor – Liquid Equilibrium at high pressures.

The apparatus was designed for simultaneous measurement of phase compositions and densities at high pressures.





(A), Equilibrium cell; (B&C), Vibrating densitometers; (D), Gas chromatograph; (E & F), Pumps; (G &H), Sampling valves; (I), Air bath; (J), CO2 tank



Phase compositions for the system CO2(1)-ethanol(2): (!), Experimental (T=313.2K); (·), Experimental (T=328.2K); The lines were calculated by the QCHB model.


Saturated densities for the system CO2(1)-ethanol(2): (!), Experimental (T=313.2K); (·), Experimental (T=328.2K); The lines were calculated by the QCHB model.