
About GEM
Research Team
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The GEM (Geographic Euro-Mediteranean) Research Unit of the School of Humanities (Hellenic Open Univerisity) has a long history in European research projects since its emergence at the University of the Aegean as REM (1997) and its relocation to the Hellenic O.U. in 2003. (about GEM).

The Director is Professor Lila Leontidou and the research teams are composed by several lecturers, senior researchers and professors based in major Greek universities and research institutions and teaching European Studies, Geography and material cultures of Europe at the Hellenic O.U. as Adjunct Professors (research team).

It was transported to the Hellenic O.U. and has coordinated several international research 
projects, on EU borders, Civil Society and European Governance, Urban Sprawl, Education in Geography, and other topics.

Today the GEM Research Unit is networked, together with 20 EU Universities, within 
EastBordNet, an EU COST Network on Borders, and is also the coordinator, for Greece, of the ESPON SIESTA research project
