Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα



Ευριπίδης Παπαμίχος

Καθηγητής Μηχανικής

Εργαστήριο Μηχανικής των Υλικών

Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών

Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης


Ημερομηνία γεννήσεως: 1 Αυγούστου 1962

Τόπος γεννήσεως: Κατερίνη Πιερίας

2003-06-10 PAPAMICHOS_Euripides


Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών

Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης

54124 Θεσσαλονίκη

Τηλ.  231-099-5972

Φαξ   231-099-5769





Επαγγελματική Δραστηριότητα

2010 -

Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης

2006 -2010

Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης


MTS Associate Visiting Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering, Univ of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

2001 - 2006

Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης

1995 - 2001

Guest Lecturer, Dept of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, Norwegian Univ of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

1997 - 2001

Senior Scientist, Formation Physics Dept, SINTEF Petroleum Research, Trondheim, Norway

10/1993 - 1996

Research Scientist, Formation Physics Section, SINTEF Petroleum Research, Trondheim, Norway

04/1993 - 09/1993

Research Associate, Dept of Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Univ of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, USA

04/1992 - 03/1993

Research Scientist, Division of Research and Development in Production, Elf Aquitaine Production, Pau, France




PhD Civil Engineering, Univ of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


MSc Geo-Engineering, Univ of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


Δίπλωμα Μηχανικού Μεταλλείων Μεταλλουργών, Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο, Αθήνα


Κύρια Ερευνητικά Ενδιαφέροντα

§   Θεωρητική/Υπολογιστική Μηχανική: Μη γραμμικά κατασταστικά μοντέλλα και τεχνικές υπολογιστικής προσομοίωσης ψαθυρών και πλαστικών υλικών. Θερμο-πορο- ελαστοπλαστικότητα. Μηχανική φθοράς (damage mechanics). Φαινόμενα διακλάδωσης (bifurcation) και εντοπισμού (localization) της παραμόρφωσης. Συνεχή μέσα με μικροδομή (Cosserat και ανώτερης βαθμίδος). Μικρομηχανική κοκκώδων υλικών. Φαινόμενα κλίμακος. Ευστάθεια σηράγγων και γεωτρήσεων. Υδρομηχανική διάβρωση κοκκωδών υλικών. Συμπίεση κοιτασμάτων υδρογονανθράκων και καθιζήσεις. Μηχανική φθορά μνημειακών έργων. Συμπεριφορά μερικώς κεκορεσμένων πορώδων υλικών. Πεπερασμένα και συνοριακά στοιχεία. Γεωλογική αποθήκευση CO2.

§   Πειραματική Μηχανική: Νέες πειραματικές συσκευές για δοκιμές σε γεωυλικά. (Surface Instability Detection Apparatus, Biaxial Plane-strain Apparatus). Ακουστικές εκπομπές. Μετρήσεις διαπερατότητας υγρού. Διάβρωση κοκκώδων υλικών από ρευστά. Συμπεριφορά μερικώς κεκορεσμένων πορώδων υλικών. Μηχανική φθορά μνημειακών έργων. Δοκιμή διείσδυσης και απόξεσης.


Διδακτικό Έργο

§   Αντοχή των υλικών και δομικών στοιχείων Ι και ΙΙ, Ελαστοπλαστικός υπολογισμός τών κατασκευών, Εφαρμοσμένη πληροφορική (μεταπτυχιακό μάθημα). Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης.

§   Elastoplasticity, Bifurcation theory in geomechanics. Lectures at Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

§   Failure in rocks. Sand production - Physical and experimental evidence. Continua with microstructure: Cosserat theory. Erosion and multiphase flow in porous media - Application to sand production. ALERT Graduate School, Aussois, France.


Επαγγελματικές Οργανώσεις

§   Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδος (ΤΕΕ)

§   Ελληνική Εταιρεία Θεωρητικής και Εφαρμοσμένης Μηχανικής

§   Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)

§   Intl Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM)

§   American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA)


Επιστημονική Δραστηριότητα

§   Μέλος Οργανωτικής/Επιστημονικής Επιτροπής:

§  2011 ComGeo II, 2nd Intl Symp on Computational Geomechanics, Cavtat, Croatia.

§  2010 21st ALERT Geomaterials Graduate School on Mathematical modeling in geomechanics, Aussois, France.

§  2010 9th HSTAM (Ελλ Εταιρεία Θεωρητικής και Εφαρμοσμένης Μηχανικής), Intl Congress on Mechanics, Ioannis Vardoulakis MiniSymposia.

§  2009 1st International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics (ComGeo I), Juan-les-Pins, Cote d'Azur, France.

§  2009 3η Εθνική Διημερίδα, Γενικευμένες Θεωρίες της Μηχανικής του Συνεχούς Μέσου και Εφαρμογές τους, Θεσσαλονίκη.

§  2008 19th ALERT Geomaterials Workshop, Session on Multiphysics of Multiphase Materials, Aussois, France.

§  2006 17th ALERT Geomaterials Graduate School on Geomechanical and structural issues in energy production, Aussois, France.

§  2006 Eurock 06, Liege, Belgium.

§  2003 14th ALERT Geomaterials Workshop, Session on Post Failure Behavior, Aussois, France.

§  2003 SPE Workshop on Field Development Planning in Extreme Conditions: The Geomechanics Dimensions, Stresa, Italy.

§  2003 5th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.

§  1998 Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics, EUROCK '98 Rock mechanics in Petroleum Engineering, Trondheim, Norway.

§   Πρόεδρος Συνεδρίας/Κύριος Συζητητής:

§  2010 21st ALERT Geomaterials Graduate School on Mathematical modeling in geomechanics, Aussois, France.

§  2008 19th ALERT Geomaterials Workshop, Session on Multiphysics of Multiphase Materials, Aussois, France.

§  2007 SPE Forum on Challenges in unconsolidated reservoirs: Reservoir performance. Kananskis AB, Canada.

§  2006 17th ALERT Geomaterials Graduate School on Geomechanical and structural issues in energy production, Aussois, France.

§  2005 SPE Advanved Technology Workshop on Sand Management Strategies, Sanya, Hainan Island, China.

§  2004 Gulf Rocks 2004, Houston, USA.

§  2003 14th ALERT Geomaterials Workshop, Session on Post Failure Behavior, Aussois, France.

§  2003 SPE Advanved Technology Workshop on Field Development Planning in Challenging Conditions: The Geomechanics Dimension, Stressa, Italy.

§  2003 5th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, Symposium on Petroleum Geomechanics - Theory and Applications, Thessaloniki, Greece.

§  1998 Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics, EUROCK '98 Rock mechanics in Petroleum Engineering, Trondheim, Norway.

§   Κριτής 12 Επιστημονικών Περιοδικών: Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics, Computational Mechanics, Intl J for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Intl J for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Intl J of Solids and Structures, Journals of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Strain, Transport in Porous Media.

§   Κριτής Ερευνητικών Προγραμμάτων για την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή Ερευνών, ΕΠΕΑΕΚ της ΓΓΕΤ, Reseacrh Council of Norway, Ίδρυμα Προώθησης Έρευνας της Κύπρου

§   Sensor, Dept of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, Norwegian Univ of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

§   Αντιπρόσωπος Τμήματος Πολιτικών Μηχανικών, Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης στην ALERTGeomaterials (Ένωση Εργαστηρίων στην Ευρώπη για Έρευνα και Τεχνολογία).

§   Μέλος της Intl Scientific Committee of the International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials.


Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος σε Χρηματοδοτούμενα Ερευνητικά Προγράμματα

Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος σε 23 Ερευνητικά προγράμματα της Ευρωπαικής Επιτροπής, του Norwegian Petroleum Directorate και της Βιομηχανίας. Επιλεγμένα προγράμματα:



Sand production initiation and quantification (4 phases). Advances in sand production quantification. BG, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Det Norske, Eni, Hess, Hydro, Petrobras, Saga Petroleum, Shell, Statoil, Total.


Chalk influx in production wells - Critical drawdown and depletion conditions and mitigation of chalk liquefaction. ConocoPhillips, Hess.


Solids production in destructured chalk - Phase I and II. BP.


Sandstone nailing for sand control - Phase I and II. Statoil.


Degradation and instabilities in geomaterials with application to hazard mitigation. EU Research and Training Network.


Integrated tool for in situ characterization of effectiveness and durability of conservation techniques in historical structures. EU FP5 Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development.


Stability of hollow cylinders with breakouts. Shell.


Mechanical description of reservoir rocks and reservoir stress path. Eni Agip, Statoil.


Characterization of mechanical properties and damage of natural building stones in historical monuments. EU, Standards, Measurements and Testing.


Mechanical consequences of capillary forces in reservoir rocks. Eni Agip.


A study of the size dependency of hollow-cylinder failure strength on the basis of bifurcation theory. Shell.


A study of compaction in chalk in relation to Ekofisk subsidence. Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.


Αριθμός Δημοσιεύσεων και Βιβλιογραφικών Αναφορών

Σύνταξη (Editor)                                                                   3

Βιβλία                                                                                   4

Ευρεσιτεχνίες                                                                        1

Διατριβές                                                                               2

Δημοσιεύσεις σε Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά                          37

Δημοσιεύσεις σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίων                                63

Άλλες Παρουσιάσεις                                                            26

Δημοσιεύσεις σε Ενημερωτικά Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά   4

Τεχνικές Εκθέσεις                                                                 58


Editor / Επιμέλεια

ED3  Sulem J, Papamichos E (2010). Mathematical modelling in geomechanics. Special issue of European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 14, 6-7.

ED2  Papanastasiou P, Papamichos E, Zervos A, Stavropoulou M (2010). 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Proc. of Vardoulakis Mini-Symposia, Limassol, Cyprus.

ED1  Papamichos E, Desmorat R, Vardoulakis I (2006). Geomechanical and structurtal issues in energy production. Special issue of Revue européenne de génie civil 10, 6-7.


Books / Βιβλία

B4     Charalambakis N, Papamichos E (2005). Strength of structural elements. Thessaloniki: Sofia (in greek).

          Χαραλαμπάκης Ν, Παπαμίχος Ε (2005). Αντοχή δομικών στοιχείων. Θεσσαλονίκη: Σοφία.

B3     Papamichos E, Charalambakis N (2004). Strength of materials. Thessaloniki: Tziolas (in greek).

          Παπαμίχος Ε, Χαραλαμπάκης Ν (2004). Αντοχή των υλικών. Θεσσαλονίκη: Τζιόλας.

B2     Papamichos E (2004). Numerical methods for the solution of differential equations with application to mechanics. Thessaloniki: Tziolas (in greek).

          Παπαμίχος Ε (2004). Αριθμητικές μέθοδοι επίλυσης διαφορικών εξισώσεων με εφαρμογή στη μηχανική. Θεσσαλονίκη: Τζιόλας.

B1     Sulem J, Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (1995). Microstructure and scale effect in granular rocks. In Continuum models for materials with micro-structure, Chapter 7, H.-B. Mühlhaus (ed.), John Wiley & Sons.


Patents / Ευρεσιτεχνίες

E1     Vardoulakis I, Labuz JF, Papamichos E (1991). Surface instability detection apparatus. U.S. Patent No. 5,024,103 (June 18, 1991).


Theses / Διατριβές

T2     Papamichos E (1992). Surface instabilities and fracture: Theory and experiment. PhD Thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

T1     Papamichos E (1988). Numerical analysis of buckling phenomena in layered rock media. MSc Geo-Engineering Thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.


Journal Publications / Δημοσιεύσεις σε Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά

P37   Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I. Rock nail reinforcement of a free surface (2010). Intl Journal Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, submitted.

P36   Papamichos E (2010). Erosion and multiphase flow in porous media. Application to sand production. Special issue of European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 14, 8-9, 1129-1154.

P35   Papamichos E (2010). Continua with microstructure: Cosserat theory. Special issue of European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 14, 8-9, 1011-1029.

P34   Papamichos E, Tronvoll J, Skjærstein A, Unander TE (2010). Hole stability of Red Wildmoor sandstone under anisotropic stresses and sand production criterion. Journal of Petroleum Sciences and Engineering 72, 78-92, doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2010.03.006.

P33   Papamichos E (2010). Analysis of borehole failure modes and pore pressure effects. Computers and Geotechnics 37, 141-152, doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2009.08.006.

P32   Papamichos E (2010). Borehole failure analysis in a sandstone under anisotropic stresses. Intl Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 34, 581–603, doi:10.1002/nag.824.

P31   Baxevanis Th, Papamichos E, Flornes O, Larsen I (2006). Compaction bands and induced permeability reduction in Tufeau de Maastricht calcarenite. Acta Geotechnica 1, 123-135.

P30   Papamichos E (2006). Sand production: Physical and experimental evidence. Special issue of Revue européenne de génie civil 10, 6-7, 803-816.

P29   Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I (2005). Sand erosion with a porosity diffusion law. Computers and Geotechnics 32, 47-58, doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2004.11.005.

P28   Papamichos E (2004). Failure in rocks. Special issue of Revue française de génie civil 8, 5-6, 709-734.

P27   Vardoulakis I, Vairaktaris E, Papamichos E (2004). Subsidence diffusion-convection: I. The direct problem. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 193, 27-29, 2745-2760, http://www.sciencedirect.com/scidirimg/clear.gifdoi:10.1016/j.cma.2003.10.019

P26   Vairaktaris E, Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E, Dougalis V (2004). Subsidence diffusion-convection: II. The inverse problem. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 193, 27-29, 2761-2770, http://www.sciencedirect.com/scidirimg/clear.gifdoi:10.1016/j.cma.2003.10.018.

P25   Papamichos E (2004). Plasticity model for stress-release induced damage. Intl Journal of Geomechanics 4, 1, 13-18.

P24   Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (2003). A continuum theory for erosion in granular media. Italian Geotechnical Journal 3, 83-90.

P23   Stavropoulou M, Exadaktylos G, Papamichos E, Larsen I, Ringstad C (2003). Rayleigh wave propagation in intact and damaged geomaterials. Intl Journal for Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 40, 3, 377-387, http://www.sciencedirect.com/scidirimg/clear.gifdoi:10.1016/S1365-1609(03)00012-1.

P22   Hettema M, Papamichos E, Schutjens PMTM (2002). Subsidence delay: Field observations and analysis. Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue de l’ Institut Francais du Petrole 57, 5, 443-458, doi:10.2516/ogst:2002029.

P21   Papamichos E, Malmanger EM (2001). A sand erosion model for volumetric sand predictions in a North Sea reservoir. SPE 69841, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 4, 1, 44-50.

P20   Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I, Tronvoll J, Skjærstein A (2001). Volumetric sand production model and experiment. Intl Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 25, 8, 789-808, doi:10.1002/nag.154.

P19   Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I, Heill LK (2001). Overburden modeling above a compacting reservoir using a trap door apparatus. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part A-Solid Earth and Geodesy 26, 1-2, 69-74, http://www.sciencedirect.com/scidirimg/clear.gifdoi:10.1016/S1464-1895(01)00025-4.

P18   Hoek PJ van den, Hertogh GMM, Kooijman AP, Bree Ph de, Kenter CJ, Papamichos E (2000). A new concept of sand production prediction: Theory and laboratory experiments. SPE 65756, SPE Drilling & Completion 15, 4, 261-273.

P17   Papamichos E, Tronvoll J, Vardoulakis I, Labuz JF, Skjærstein A, Unander TE, Sulem J (2000). Constitutive testing of Red Wildmoor sandstone. Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials 5, 1, 1-40.

P16   Wang Y, Papamichos E (1999). Thermal effects on fluid flow and hydraulic fracturing from wellbores and cavities in low-permeability formations. Intl Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 23, 15, 1819-1834.

P15   Sulem J, Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E, Oulahna A, Tronvoll J (1999). Elasto-plastic modelling of Red Wildmoor sandstone. Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials 4, 3, 215-245.

P14   Papamichos E (1999). Constitutive laws for geomaterials. Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue de l’ Institut Francais du Petrole 54, 6, 759-771, doi:10.2516/ogst:1999064. Invited lecture at Euroconference 1998 on Pore Pressure, Scale Effect and the Deformation of Rocks, Aussois, France.

P13   Papamichos E (1998). Chalk production and effects of water weakening. Intl Journal for Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 35, 4-5, 529-530.

P12   Papamichos E, Stavropoulou M (1998). An erosion-mechanical model for sand production rate prediction. Intl Journal for Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 35, 4-5, 531-532.

P11   Vardoulakis I, Labuz JF, Papamichos E, Tronvoll J (1998). Continuum fracture mechanics of uniaxial compression on brittle rocks. Intl Journal of Solids and Structures 35, 31-32, 4313-4335, http://www.sciencedirect.com/scidirimg/clear.gifdoi:10.1016/S0020-7683(97)00318-1.

P10   Papamichos E, Brignoli M, Santarelli FJ (1997). An experimental and theoretical study of a partially-saturated collapsible rock. Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials 2, 3, 251-278.

P9     Unander TE, Papamichos E, Tronvoll J, Skjærstein A (1997). Flow geometry effects on sand production from an oil producing perforation cavity. Intl Journal for Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 34, 3/4, 464.

P8     Tronvoll J, Skjærstein A, Papamichos E (1997). Sand production: Mechanical failure or hydrodynamic erosion. Intl Journal for Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 34, 3/4, 465.

P7     Labuz JF, Dai S-T, Papamichos E (1996). Plane-strain compression of rock-like materials. Intl Journal for Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts 33, 6, 573-584, doi:10.1016/0148-9062(96)00012-5.

P6     Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I (1995). Shear band formation in sand according to non-coaxial plasticity model. Géotechnique 45, 3, 131-143.

P5     Papamichos E, Labuz JF, Vardoulakis I (1994). A surface instability detection apparatus. Rock Mechanics Rock Engineering 27, 1, 37-56, doi:10.1007/BF01025955.

P4     Wang Y, Papamichos E (1994). Conductive heat flow and thermally induced fluid flow around a well bore in a poroelastic medium. Water Resources Research 30, 12, 3375-3384.

P3     Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I, Ouadfel H (1993). Permeability reduction due to grain crushing around a perforation. Intl Journal for Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts 30, 7, 1223-1229, doi:10.1016/0148-9062(93)90099-Y.

P2     Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (1991). Surface instabilities in elastic anisotropic media with surface-parallel Griffith cracks. Intl Journal for Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts 28, 2/3, 163-173, doi:10.1016/0148-9062(91)92164-T.

P1     Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I, Mühlhaus H-B (1990). Buckling of layered elastic media: A Cosserat-continuum approach and its validation. Intl Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 14, 473-498, doi:10.1002/nag.1610140703.


Proceedings Publications / Δημοσιεύσεις σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίων


PR63 Papamichos E (2010). Stability of nail reinforced wellbores. Proc. 9th Intl Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomechanics, Porquerolles Island, France.

PR62 Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I, (2010). Rock nailing in the surface instability test. 9th HSTAM Intl Congress on Mechanics, Proc. of Vardoulakis Mini-Symposia, 293-300, Limassol, Cyprus.

PR61 Cerasi PR, Berntsen AN, Stenebråten JF, Papamichos E (2010). Use of volumetric sand production tool on field data to help plan oil production strategy. 44nd US Rock Mechanics Symp and 5nd U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symp, Salt Lake City, UT.

PR60 Papamichos E, Cerasi P, Stenebråten JF, Berntsen AN, Ojala I, Brignoli M, Fuh G-F, Han G, Nadeem A, Ray P, Wold S (2010). Sand production rate under multiphase flow and water breakthrough. 44th US Rock Mechanics Symp and 5nd U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symp, Salt Lake City, UT.

PR59   Han G, Shepstone K, Harmawan I, Er U, Jusoh H, Lin LS, Pringle D, Koya R, Carney S, Barker L, Morita N, Papamichos E, Cerasi P, Sayers C, Heiland J, Bruno M, Diessl J (2009). A comprehensive study of sanding rate from a gas field: From reservoir, completion, production, to surface facilities. SPE123478, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, USA.

PR58   Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I (2009). Two-phase flow in hollow cylinder sand production tests. Proc. 4th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, New York, HI Ling et al. (eds), 989-994, DEStech Publ., Lancaster, PA.

PR57   Papamichos E, Flatebø R, Stenebråten JF (2009). A model for destructured and water sensitive chalk. In Computational Geomechanics ComGeo I - Proc 1st Intl Symposium on Computational Geomechanics, S Pietruszczak et al (eds), 81-94, Juan-les-Pins, France. Invited Lecture.

PR56   Fjær E, Papamichos E (2008). The variable rate of sand production captured by an analytical model. SHIRMS 2008 - 1st South Hemisphere Rock Mechanics Symp, Y Potvin et al. (eds), Perth, Australia, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Nedlands WA, Australia.

PR55   Papamichos E, Stenebråten J, Cerasi P, Lavrov A, Vardoulakis I, Fuh G-F, Brignoli M, Goncalves CJ de Castro, Havmøller O (2008). Rock type and hole failure pattern effects on sand production. 42nd US Rock Mechanics Symp and 2nd U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symp, San Francisco, CA.

PR54   Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (2008). Two-phase flow modeling of water breakthrough on cavity tests. 6th GRACM Intl Congress on Computational Mechanics, Thessaloniki, Greece.

PR53   Papanicolopulos S-A, Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I (2007). Analysis of failure types and size effects in flat indentation on natural building stones. 8th HSTAM Intl Congress on Mechanics, Patras, Greece.

PR52   Papamichos E, Papanicolopulos S-A, Larsen I (2006). Mechanical properties and damage diagnosis of natural building stones. Symposium on Fracture and Failure of Natural Building Stones, Alexandroupolis, Greece, Fracture and failure of natural building stones – Applications in the restoration of ancient monuments, SK Kourkoulis (ed), 71-92, Springer.

PR51   Li L, Papamichos E, Cerasi P (2006). A study of mechanisms of sand production using DEM with fluid flow. Eurock06, Liege, Belgium, Multiphysics Coupling and Long Term Behaviour in Rock Mechanics, AV Cotthem et al. (eds), 241-247.

PR50   Hettema M, Andrews J, Blaasmo M, Papamichos E (2006). The relative importance of drawdown and depletion in sanding wells: Predictive models compared with data from the Statfjord field. 2006 SPE Intl Symp and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, LA. USA.

PR49   Baxevanis T, Papamichos E (2006). Compactive cataclastic flow in Tufeau de Maastricht calcarenite: Mechanical deformation and permeability reduction. 7th Intl Workshop on Bifurcation Instabilities and Degradation in Geomechanics, Chania, Greece, Bifurcations Instabilities Degradation in Geomechanics, GE Exadaktylos and IG Vardoulakis (eds), 95-126, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

PR48   Cerasi P, Papamichos E, Stenebråten JF (2005). Quantitative sand-production prediction: Friction-dominated flow model. SPE94791, 2005 SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conf, Rio de Janeiro.

PR47   Lavrov A, Cerasi P, Papamichos E (2005). Numerical modeling of sand production mechanisms with the Displacement Discontinuity Method. SPE93981, 4th Europec, Madrid.

PR46   Papamichos E, Papanicolopulos S-A, Larsen I (2004). Physicochemical properties and mechanical behavior of natural building stones. Workshop on Natural Stone in the Modern Building Industry. Cyprus Geologic Survey, Nicosia, Cyprus.

PR45   Papamichos E, Papanicolopulos S-A, Larsen I (2004). Indentation method for damage diagnosis in natural building stones. CDM 2004-2nd Intl Symp on Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive Frictional Materials, Stuttgart, Germany, Modelling of Cohesive-Frictional Materials, PA Vermeer et al. (eds), 263-275, Balkema, Leiden.

PR44   Papamichos E, Papanicolopulos S-A, Larsen I (2004). Indentation test for diagnosis of mechanical properties and damage of natural building stones. 7th National Mechanics Symp of the Hellenic Soc of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chania, Greece.

PR43   Fjær E, Cerasi P, Li L, Papamichos E (2004). Modeling the rate of sand production. Gulf Rocks 2004 - 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symp, Houston.

PR42   Papamichos E, Papanicolopoulos S-A, Larsen I, Alnæs L, Rescic S (2004). Method for in situ, quasi non-destructive diagnosis of mechanical properties and damage of natural building stones. Gulf Rocks 2004 - 6th North American Rock Mechanics Symp, Houston.

PR41   Papamichos E, Liolios P, van den Hoek PJ (2004). Breakout stability experiments and analysis. Gulf Rocks 2004 - 6th North America Rock Mechanics Symp, Houston.

PR40   Papamichos E, Liolios P, Tronvoll J (2003). Post-failure analysis of cavity failures. Book of abstracts 5th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conf, 340, Thessaloniki, Greece.

PR39   Vardoulakis I, Vairaktaris EG, Papamichos E (2003). Trap-door modeling using Litwinszyn theory of subsidence. Book of abstracts 5th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conf, 346, Thessaloniki, Greece.

PR38   Vairaktaris EG, Dougalis VA, Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (2003). Study of the inverse subsidence diffusion-convection in geostructures using direct methods of regularization. Book of abstracts 5th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conf, 297, Thessaloniki, Greece.

PR37   Papamichos E (2002). Sand Mass Prediction in a North Sea Reservoir. SPE/ISRM 78166, OilRock 2002, Irving, Texas.

PR36   Papamichos E (2002). Breakout stability. Intl Conf Non-smooth/Non-convex Mechanics with Applications in Engineering, CC Baniotopoulos (ed), Thessaloniki, Greece, 363-370.

PR35   Vairaktaris EG, Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E, Dougalis VA (2002). Modeling inverse subsidence diffusion-convection in geostructures. 4th Intl Conf on Inverse Problems in Engineering, Rio de Janeiro.

PR34   Papamichos E (2001). Stress-release damage modeling. 10th Intl Conf of the Intl Assoc for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, CS Desai et al. (eds), Tucson, AZ, 2, 1331-1335, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR33   Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (2001). A continuum theory for erosion in granular media. Journée Scientifique Intle ‘21 ans du CERMES’.

PR32   Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (2000). Anisotropic damage diffusion. Intl Symp on Recent Advances in Mechanics, Athens, Greece.

PR31   Exadaktylos G, Stavropoulou M, Papamichos E, Larsen I, Ringstad C (2000). Rayleigh wave propagation in elastic continua: Theory and experiment. Euromech 419 Colloquim ‘Elastic waves in nondestrusctive testing’, Prague.

PR30   Papamichos E, Skjærstein A, Tronvoll J (2000). A volumetric sand production experiment. 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symp, Seattle, Washington, Pacific Rocks 2000: Rock around the Rim, J. Girard et al. (eds), 303-310, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR29   Papamichos E (1999). Sand production through an erosion-mechanical model. 3th National Congress on Computational Mechanics, N Aravas and JT Katsikadelis (eds), Volos, Greece, 1, 145-152,

PR28   Papamichos E (1999). Sand production and well productivity in conventional reservoirs. 37th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symp, Vail, Colorado, Rock mechanics for industry, B Amadei et al. (eds.), 1, 209-216, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR27   Papamichos E, Malmanger EM (1999). A sand erosion model for volumetric sand predictions in a North Sea reservoir. SPE 54007, 6th Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conf, Caracas.

PR26   Papamichos E, Brignoli M, Schei G (1998). Compaction in soft weak rocks due to water flooding. SPE/ISRM 47389, EUROCK '98 Rock mechanics in Petroleum Engineering, Trondheim, Norway, 2, 411-417.

PR25   Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (1998). Anisotropic damage diffusion in the free-surface test on Red Wildmoor sandstone. 35th Annual Technical Meeting of the Soc of Engineering Science, Pullman, Washington.

PR24   Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (1997). Stress diffusion near free surfaces of rock in unconfined compression. McNU’97 Megatrends in Mechanics and Materials: Infrastructure and Industrial Applications, Evanston, IL.

PR23   Tronvoll J, Papamichos E, Skjærstein A, Sanfilippo F (1997). Sand production in ultra-weak sandstones: Is sand control absolutely necessary? SPE 39042, 5th Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conf and Exhibition, Rio de Janeiro.

PR22   Papamichos E, Fjær E (1997). Continuous material characterization from acoustic logs. Workshop for the Development of a multiborehole observatory at the Gulf of Corinth, Athens.

PR21   van den Hoek PJ, Papamichos E, Kenter CJ (1996). A new concept of sand production prediction on the basis of bifurcation theory. 2nd North American Rock Mechanics Symp, Montréal, Rock Mechanics Tools and Techniques, M Aubertin et al. (eds), 2, 1097-1104, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR20   Wang Y, Papamichos E, Dusseault MB (1996). Thermal stresses and borehole stability. 2nd North American Rock Mechanics Symp, Montréal, Rock Mechanics Tools and Techniques, M Aubertin et al. (eds), 2, 1121-1126, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR19   Papamichos E, Ringstad C, Brignoli M, Santarelli FJ (1996). Modeling of partially-saturated collapsible rocks. EUROCK ’96, Torino, Prediction and Performance in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, G Barla (ed), 1, 221-228, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR18   Papamichos E, Tronvoll J, Skjærstein A, Unander TE, Vardoulakis I, Sulem J (1996). The effect of plane-strain and isotropic loading in hollow-cylinder strength. EUROCK ’96, Torino, Prediction and Performance in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, G Barla (ed), 1, 197-204, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR17   Vardoulakis I, Sulem J, Oulahna A, Papamichos E, Unander TE, Tronvoll J (1996). Elasto-plastic behaviour of a weak sandstone. EUROCK ’96, Torino, Prediction and Performance in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, G Barla (ed), 1, 189-196, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR16   van den Hoek PJ, Hertogh GMM, Kooijman AP, de Bree Ph, Kenter CJ, Papamichos E (1996). A new concept of sand production prediction: Theory and laboratory experiments. SPE 36418, SPE Annual Technical Conf and Exhibition, Denver, CO.

PR15   Papamichos E, Brignoli M, Santarelli FJ (1996). Experiments and modeling of partially-saturated collapsible rocks. 5th North Sea Chalk Symposium, Reims, France.

PR14   Papamichos E, Ringstad C, Brignoli M, Santarelli FJ (1996). Experiments and modeling of partially-saturated collapsible rocks. Petroleumsdagen, Fjellsprengningsteknikk, Bergmekanikk/Geoteknikk, Oslo, 23.1-13.

PR13   Papamichos E, van den Hoek PJ (1995). Size dependency of Castlegate and Berea sandstone hollow-cylinder strength on the basis of bifurcation theory. 35th U.S. Symp on Rock Mechanics, Lake Tahoe, CA, Rock Mechanics, JJK Daemen and RA Schultz (eds.), 301-306, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR12   Brignoli M, Papamichos E, Santarelli FJ (1995). Capillary effects in sedimentary rocks: application to reservoir water-flooding. 35th U.S. Symp on Rock Mechanics, Lake Tahoe, CA, Rock Mechanics, JJK Daemen and RA Schultz (eds), 619-625, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR11   Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E, Sulem J (1994). A second-gradient plasticity model for granular rocks. US-Europe Workshop on Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures: Experiments, modelling and computer analysis, Z.P. Bazant et al. (eds.), Prague, 99-111, London: E & FN Spon.

PR10   Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I, Sulem J (1994). Generalized continuum models for borehole stability analysis. SPE/ISRM 28025, EUROCK '94 Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering, Delft, the Netherlands, 37-44, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR9     Sulem J, Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (1993). Prediction of shear failure in sandstone. Intl Symp on Geotechnical Engineering of Hard Soils - Soft Rocks, A Anagnostopoulos et al. (eds), Athens, 1663-1669, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR8     Tronvoll J, Papamichos E, Kessler N (1993). Perforation cavity stability: Investigation of failure mechanisms. Intl Symp on Geotechnical Engineering of Hard Soils - Soft rocks, A Anagnostopoulos et al. (eds), Athens, 1687-1693, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR7     Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (1992). Noncoaxial plasticity theory for soft rock. 3rd National Congress on Mechanics, Athens.

PR6     Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I, Han C (1992). Noncoaxial flow theory of plasticity: Shear failure predictions in sand. Modern Approaches to Plasticity, Workshop, Modern Approaches to Plasticity, D Kolymbas (ed), Horton, Greece, 585-598, Amsterdam: Elsevier.

PR5     Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (1992). Surface spalling in brittle rock under compression. 28th Intl Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Haifa, Israel.

PR4     Labuz JF, Papamichos E (1991). Preliminary results of plane-strain testing of soft rock. 32nd U.S. Symp on Rock Mechanics, Norman, OK, Rock Mechanics as a Multidisciplinary Science, J-C Roegiers (ed), 667-674, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR3     Papamichos E, Labuz JF, Vardoulakis I (1990). Surface instabilities in brittle rock. Intl Conf., Micromechanics of Failure of Quasi-brittle Materials, SP Shah et al. (eds), Albuquerque, NM, 214-223, Elsevier Applied Science, London.

PR2     Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I (1989). The coupling effect of surface instabilities and surface-parallel Griffith cracks in rock. Intl Symp, Rock Mechanics and Rock Physics at Great Depth, V Maury and D Fourmaintraux (eds), Pau, France, 1, 481-487, Balkema, Rotterdam.

PR1     Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I, Papanastasiou P (1988). Borehole stability in elastic rock with damage and microstructure. 2nd Intl Symp on Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines, C Fairhurst (ed), Minneapolis, MN, 255-258, Balkema, Rotterdam.


Other Presentations / Άλλες Παρουσιάσεις

26      Papamichos E, Stenebråten JF, Cerasi P, Berntsen AN, Ojala I (2009). Sand production under oil and/or water flow. 10th ALERT Workshop on Erosion in geomaterials, Aussois, France.

25      Papamichos E (2009). Hollow cylinder failure under anisotropic stress field. numerical simulations of experiments with Cosserat elastoplasticity. 3rd Workshop on Generalized Theories of the Mechanics of Continua and their Applications, Thessaloniki, Greece.

24      Papamichos E (2008). Sand production prediction. I Seminario Técnico de Geopresiones y Estabilidad De Hoyos, PdVSA, Los Teques,Venezuela.

23      Papamichos E (2005). Sand quantification. Sand control and management. Asia 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

22      Papamichos E (2005). Sand quantification and measurements for prediction. SPE ATW on Sand Management Strategies. Sanya, Hainan Island, China.

21      Papamichos E, Li L (2005). Discrete element modeling of sand erosion in the sand production test. 17th ALERT Workshop on Solid-liquid phase transition and transport phenomena, Aussois, France.

20      Chatzis A, Larsen I, Papamichos E (2005). Scratch test for determination of mechanical properties and damage diagnosis in natural building stones. 17th ALERT Workshop on Advances in experimental methods, Aussois, France.

19      Papamichos E (2005). Sand quantification and measurements for prediction. Poster in SPE Advanved Technology Workshop on Sand management strategies, Sanya, Hainan Island, China.

18      Baxevanis T, Papamichos E, Flornes O (2004). Compaction bands and permeability reduction in Tuffeau de Maastricht calcarenite. 16th ALERT Workshop on Degradations and Ageing of Geomaterials, Aussois, France.

17      Papamichos E, Papanicolopoulos S-A, Larsen I, Alnæs L (2004). Indentation method for determination of mechanical properties and damage diagnosis in natural building stones. 16th ALERT Workshop on Degradations and Ageing of Geomaterials, Aussois, France.

16      Cerasi P, Papamichos E, Fjær E, Li L, Lavrov A (2004). Ongoing volumetric sand prediction modelling approaches. Poster in SPE European Forum on Sand prediction and Control, St.Maxime, France.

15      Fjær E, Larsen I, Schei G, Papamichos E (2003). High resolution, continuous coverage of rock mechanical data from scratch test. Poster in SPE Advanved Technology Workshop on Field Development Planning in Challenging Conditions: The Geomechanics Dimension, Stressa, Italy.

14      Papamichos E, Liolios P, Exadaktylos G (2003). Shear bands in hollow cylinder and trap door experiments. 15th ALERT Workshop on Post Failure Behavior, Aussois, France.

13      Papamichos E (2002). Cavity failures, scale effects and erosion in hollow cylinders under compression. University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece.

12      Papamichos E (2002). Cavity failures, scale effects and erosion in hollow cylinders under compression. Lecture at General Department of the Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.

11      Papamichos E (2002). Volumetric sand prediction: Experiments and modeling. 14th ALERT Workshop, Aussois, France.

10      Papamichos E (2002). Volumetric sand prediction. Statoil sand control and fracturing workshop, Stavanger, Norway.

9        Papamichos E (2001). Rock failure and sand production. Work in progress and future challenges. SPE ATW on Sand Management, San Antonio, TX.

8        Papamichos E (2001). Volumetric sand production. Invited presentation at the PEA (Production Engineering Association) Sand management forum, London.

7        Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I, Heill LK (2000). The trap door mechanism of reservoir compaction. SUP-Day 2000, Strategic University Program on Petroleum Related Rock Physics, Trondheim, Norway.

6        Papamichos E (1999). Volumetric sand production in hydrocarbon reservoirs. 1999 Soc. of Petroleum Engineers European Forum on Sand prediction and Control, Nice, France.

5        Papamichos E (1999). Constitutive laws for geomaterials in petroleum applications. University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece.

4        Papamichos E (1998). Sand production mechanics. Workshop ‘Når sand løper løpsk’of the Norwegian Rock Mechanics Group, Trondheim, Norway.

3        Papamichos E (1998). Constitutive laws for geomaterials. Keynote lecture in 1998 Euroconference on Pore Pressure, Scale Effect and the Deformation of Rocks, Aussois, France.

2        Papamichos E (1997). Bifurcation theory and localization in geomechanics. Invited lecture at Shell Intl, Rijswijk, the Netherlands.

1        Papamichos E (1997). Borehole stability experiments and theory. Schlumberger Cambridge Research, Cambridge, UK.


Popular science publications / Ενημερωτικά Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά

4        Health check for cultural treasures. Gemini, February 2003, 1.

3        SINTEF project sheds light on mechanics of reservoir subsidence. Examining physics of collapsing formations. Offshore, April 2000, 186-188.

2        Sophisticated sandbox. Gemini, December 2000, 6, 13.

1        SINTEF project sheds light on mechanics of reservoir compaction and subsidence. Scandinavian Oil-Gas Magazine, 2000, 28, 7/8, 64.


Reports / Εκθέσεις

58      Papamichos E, Stenebråten JF (2008). BP Scratch, UC and TWC tests on core from Ula field. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5489.00/01/08, 15 p., Confidential.

57      Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I, Stenebråten JF, Sønstebø EF (2008). Sandstone nailing for sand control. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5443.00/01/08, 99 p., 1 App., Confidential.

56      Papamichos E, Vardoulakis P (2008). Perforation damage and sand production. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5463.00/01/08, 66 p., 1 App., Confidential.

55      Tronvoll J, Dusseault M, Vardoulakis I, Detourney E, Cerasi P, Papamichos E (2006). Low cost reliable sand control feasibility study. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5439.00/01/06, 74 p., 4 App., Confidential.

54      Lavrov A, Papamichos E (2006). Near-well mechanics in carbonate reservoirs: models and solutions. Task 1.1 Mechanical behavior and constitutive models for chalk. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5442.00/01/06, 46 p., Confidential.

53      Papamichos E, Larsen I, Papanicolopulos S-A (2006). DIAS - Integrated tool for in situ characterization of effectiveness and durability of conservation techniques in historical structures. 3 Indentation method for quasi non destructive diagnosis of mechanical properties and damage of natural building stones. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5358/03/06, 21 p., 3 App., Open.

52      Papamichos E, Larsen I (2006). DIAS - Integrated tool for in situ characterization of effectiveness and durability of conservation techniques in historical structures. 2 Ko uniaxial compaction tests. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5358/02/06, 16 p., Open.

51      Papamichos E, Larsen I (2006). DIAS - Integrated tool for in situ characterization of effectiveness and durability of conservation techniques in historical structures. 1 Mechanical and acoustical characterization of the stones. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5358/01/06, 192 p., 12 App., Open.

50      Lavrov A, Li L, Papamichos E, Cerasi P (2006). Volumetric sand production II. 6 Sand production mechanisms with the Displacement Discontinuity method and the Distinct Element Method with fluid flow. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5320/06/06, 23 p., Confidential.

49      Papamichos E, Cerasi P, Stenebråten JF, Scheldt T, Lothe AE, Tronvoll J (2006). Volumetric sand production II. 4 Sand production tests with dry and humid air flow. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5320/04/06, 97 p., 3 App., Confidential.

48      Papamichos E, Cerasi P, Stenebråten JF (2006). Volumetric sand production II. 3 Sand production hollow cylinder tests - Analytical volumetric sand production model and calibration. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5320/03/06, 168 p., 7 App., Confidential.

47      Papamichos E, Cerasi P, Pillitteri A (2006). Volumetric sand production II. 1 Rock mechanical characterization. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5320/01/06, 164 p., 8 App., Confidential.

46      Tronvoll J, Larsen I, Papamichos E (2005). Grane sand strength study. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5397/01/05, 72 p., 3 App., Restricted.

45      Papamichos E (2002). Analysis of stress path parameter during reservoir depletion on the basis of the mechanical behavior of the reservoir. 10 p., Confidential.

44      Papamichos E, Unander TE, Schutjens PMTM (2002). Volumetric sand production. Hollow cylinder failure under anisotropic stress field: Numerical simulations with Cosserat elastoplasticity. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0720.00/06/2002, 25 p., Confidential.

43      Papamichos E (2002). Volumetric sand production. Theoretical modeling and analysis of triaxial and hollow cylinder tests. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0720.00/05/2002, 26 p., Confidential.

42      Papamichos E, Unander TE, Schutjens PMTM (2002). Volumetric sand production. Sand production hollow cylinder tests, analytical volumetric sand production model and field cases. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0720.00/03/2002, 170 p., 8 app. Confidential.

41      Papamichos E, Unander TE (2002). Volumetric sand production. Rock mechanical and permeability characterization. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0720.00/01/2002, 135 p., 7 app. Confidential.

40      Papamichos E, Schjutjens PMTM, Holt RM (2000). Ormen Lange verification - Compaction and subsidence. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0746.00/01/01, Confidential.

39      Papamichos E (2001). Stability of hollow cylinders with breakouts (Breakout stability). SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0791.00/01/01, 48 p. Confidential.

38      Papamichos E, Schutjens PMTM (2001). Delay effects between depletion, compaction and subsidence: Literature study and analysis of possible causes (Subsidence delay). SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0795.00/01/01, 36 p. Confidential.

37      Papamichos E, Unander TE (2001). Estimation of amount of produced sand in the Kristin field. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.5312.00/01/01, 40 p. Confidential.

36      Papamichos E (2000). Characterization of mechanical properties and damage of natural building stones in historical monuments (Monuments) - Final report. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0682.00/02/00, 67 p. Confidential.

35      Papamichos E, Larsen I, Ringstad C (2000). Characterization of mechanical properties and damage of natural building stones in historical monuments (Monuments) - Field acoustic tests. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0682.00/01/00, 42 p. Confidential.

34      Jenssen HP, Nyhavn F, Papamichos E, Vassenden F (1999). Evaluation of Gas Cap Gas Lift (GCGL) completion concept for the TOGP wells. 1. Evaluation of the Middle Completion with Sand control function (gravel pack and screen) and assessing the risk of erosion/plugging of the equipment. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0772.00/01/99, 59 p., 1 app. Restricted.

33      Papamichos E, Holt RM (1999). Core damage modeling. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0772.00/01/99, 59 p., 1 app. Restricted.

32      Skjærstein A, Schei G, Larsen I, Papamichos E (1999). Kristin well 6406/2-5. Polyaxial borehole stability tests. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0714.00/01/99, 45 p. Confidential.

31      Papamichos E, Heill LK, Vardoulakis I (1999). Mechanical description of reservoir rocks and reservoir stress path (Trap Door). SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0663.00/01/99, 114 p., 1 app. Confidential.

30      Papamichos E, Ringstad C (1999). Characterization of mechanical properties and damage of natural building stones in historical monuments (Monuments). 24 month report. SINTEF Petroleum Research Report 33.0682.00/02/99, 67 p., 1 app. Restricted.

29      Papamichos E, Skjærstein A, Ringstad C (1998). Characterization of mechanical properties and damage of natural building stones in historical monuments (Monuments). First year report - Triaxial compression tests with acoustics, Free surface apparatus, Acoustic test system. IKU Report 33.0682.00/01/98, 101 p., 5 app. Restricted.

28      Papamichos E, Schei (1998) G. Characterization of Adriatic soft weak sediments for subsidence studies. IKU Report 33.0693.00/01/98, 67 p. Restricted.

27      Papamichos E (1998). Offshore Nigeria sand production study. IKU Report 33.0723/01/98, 41 p., 1 app. Restricted.

26      Tronvoll J, Skjærstein A, Papamichos E (1997). Integration of research results for development of sand prediction methodology. IKU Report 33.0666.00/01/97, 49 p. Restricted.

25      Skjærstein A, Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I, Tronvoll J (1997). Sand production in open hole completions. Task 1: Rock failure processes and sand production characteristics - Rock mechanical characterization. IKU Report 33.0660.00/01/97, 207 p., 7 app. Confidential.

24      Skjærstein A, Papamichos E, Tronvoll J (1997). Sand production in open hole completions. Task 1: Rock failure processes and sand production characteristics - Free surface tests. IKU Report 33.0660.00/02/97, 25 p., 4 app. Confidential.

23      Skjærstein A, Papamichos E, Tronvoll J (1997). Sand production in open hole completions. Task 1: Rock failure processes and sand production characteristics - Sand production hollow cylinder tests. IKU Report 33.0660.00/03/97, 53 p., 6 app. Confidential.

22      Ringstad C, Vardoulakis I, Renlie L, Papamichos E, Skjærstein A, Tronvoll J (1997). Sand production in open hole completions. Task 1: Rock failure processes and sand production characteristics - Scratch tests, Indentation tests, and FORMEL analysis. IKU Report 33.0660.00/04/97, 87 p., 6 app. Confidential.

21      Papamichos E, Skjærstein A, Tronvoll J, Vardoulakis I (1997). Sand production in open hole completions. Task 1: Rock failure processes and sand production characteristics - Triaxial, free surface and hollow cylinder test back analysis. IKU Report 33.0660.00/05/97, 112 p. Confidential.

20      Papamichos E, Vardoulakis I (1997). Sand production in open hole completions. Task 1: Rock failure processes and sand production characteristics - Sand production models and analysis. IKU Report 33.0660.00/06/97, 56 p. Confidential.

19      Papamichos E, Skjærstein A, Tronvoll J (1997). Sand production in open hole completions. Task 2: Well orientation and stress fields - Polyaxial borehole stability tests. IKU Report 33.0660.00/07/97, 83 p., 2 app. Confidential.

18      Tronvoll J, Papamichos E, Skjærstein A, Vardoulakis I (1997). Sand production in open hole completions. Task 3: Sand prediction methodology. IKU Report 33.0660.00/08/97, 30 p. Confidential.

17      Papamichos E (1997). Sand production in open hole completions. Task 3: Sand prediction and sand control methodology - Summary and recommendations. IKU Report 33.0660.00/09/97, 14 p. Confidential.

16      Papamichos E, Ringstad C (1996). Mechanical consequences of capillary forces in reservoir rocks (CapFor). IKU Report 33.0627.00/01/96, 144 p., 4 app. Restricted.

15      Papamichos E, Tronvoll J, Skjærstein A, Unander TE (1995). Investigation of cavity failures for sand production prediction Phase II. Task 1.1: Establishment of laboratory techniques, Task 1.2: Rock mechanical characterization. IKU Report 33.0600.00/03/95, 228 p., 6 app. Confidential.

14      Sulem J, Vardoulakis I, Oulahna A, Papamichos E (1995). Investigation of cavity failures for sand production prediction Phase II. Task 1.3: Modelling of rock behaviour, Task 1.4: Calibration and data bank. IKU Report 33.0600.00/04/95, 67 p., 3 app. Confidential.

13      Papamichos E, Tronvoll J, Unander TE, Skjærstein A, Malmo JT (1995). Investigation of cavity failures for sand production prediction Phase II. Task 2.1: Fracture mechanisms. IKU Report 33.0600.00/05/95, 113 p., 1 app. Confidential.

12      Papamichos E, Tronvoll J (1995). Investigation of cavity failures for sand production prediction Phase II. Task 2.2: Cavity failure analysis. IKU Report 33.0600.00/06/95, 92 p., 3 app. Confidential.

11      Skjærstein A, Papamichos E, Tronvoll J (1995). Investigation of cavity failures for sand production prediction Phase II. Task 3.1: Hydrodynamic effects, effect of water breakthrough. IKU Report 33.0600.00/07/95, 111 p., 12 app. Confidential.

10      Skjærstein A, Papamichos E, Tronvoll J, Suárez-Rivera R, Unander TE (1995). Investigation of cavity failures for sand production prediction Phase II. Task 3.1: Hydrodynamic effects, effect of well shut-in/bean-up. IKU Report 33.0600.00/08/95, 51 p. Confidential.

9        Unander TE, Papamichos E, Skjærstein A, Tronvoll J (1995). Investigation of cavity failures for sand production prediction Phase II. Task 3.2: Flow geometry effect. IKU Report 33.0600.00/09/95, 132 p., 2 app. Confidential.

8        Skjærstein A, Papamichos E, Tronvoll J (1995). Investigation of cavity failures for sand production prediction Phase II. Task 3.3: Cavity failure case study. IKU Report 33.0600.00/10/95, 95 p., 7 app. Confidential.

7        Tronvoll J, Papamichos E, Skjærstein A, Unander TE, Sulem J, Vardoulakis I (1995). Investigation of cavity failures for sand production prediction - Phase II. Technical summary report. IKU Report 33.0600.00/12/95, 203 p. Confidential.

6        Tronvoll J, Skjærstein A, Unander TE, Papamichos E (1995). Empirical-numerical sand prediction method. IKU Report 33.0600.00/13/95, 42 p. Restricted.

5        Papamichos E, Skjærstein A, Stavrum J, Tronvoll J (1995). Field study of sand production risk. IKU Report 33.0653.00/01/95, 101 p., 5 app. Restricted.

4        Papamichos E (1994). A study of compaction in chalk in relation to Ekofisk subsidence. IKU Report 33.0615.00/00/01/94, 7 p. Restricted.

3        Papamichos E (1994). A study of the size dependency of hollow-cylinder failure strength on the basis of bifurcation theory. IKU Report 33.0619.00/01/94, 55 p. Restricted.

2        Papamichos E (1993). Brinell hardness measurements on Berea and Gold sandstone perforated cores. Division of Research and Development in Production, Elf Aquitaine Production. Restricted.

1        Vardoulakis I, Papamichos E (1990). Application of bifurcation analysis to problems of rock fracturing around stopes. COMRO, Chamber of Mines of South Africa Research Organization Report GR8A06. Restricted.